Matt Ouellette, Executive Secretary Treasurer, NAIIA

At the 2013 76th Annual NAIIA Convention, Matt Ouellette was elected to Executive Secretary/Treasurer of the largest Independent Adjuster Association in the country.

These duties will allow Matt to have more communication with Insurance carriers and self-insured needs, building partnerships between NAIIA member firms and clients.

Currently, Matt is not only acting as the Secretary/Treasurer but also in charge of the dispatch center for the NAIIA, which will be located in Florida for our current clients and new clients.  Clients will call in new assignments at any time or email new assignments, which would be then dispatched to the nearest independent adjusting firm member of the association, making sure the firm is qualified to handle that particular claim being sent.

In 2015, Matt will be sworn in as President of the NAIIA and the focus will be on quality customer service.